Appreciating our Grandparents

klein tools electicalWhen you’re growing up your grandparents are usually your best friends.  All they want to do is play with you and make you happy.  There is usually a loving competition between grandparents from each side of your family to try and be the favorite, but the only winner in the competition is you. When my grandparents weren’t in full-blown spoil mode they were usually passing down their hobbies and interests.  Some of the best memories I have from my youth are those days I spent with my grandpa as he taught me how to play chess and showed me the greatness of baseball.  This early exposure to these hobbies meant that chess and baseball would become a permanent fixture in my life and shows just how much of an impact our grandparents can have on us. 

In the case of Matthias Klein it wasn’t chess or baseball he was passing down, it was his affection for tools.  Putting a pair of pliers in your grandson or granddaughter’s hands can have a permanent influence on how they view tools for the rest of their lives.  By participating in an activity with your grandparents, you’re most likely going to learn to love and appreciate it even more.  The unconditional love we receive from our grandmas and grandpas should never go unappreciated.  National Grandparents Day was this past Sunday, September 8th, and even if you missed it, it’s not too late to give your grandparents a call just to say hi and express how much you appreciate them being a part of your life.  Then if you want to give them a good laugh, send a link to of a toddler getting a head start on his electrical career.